The UNESCO World Heritage Committee meeting at Quebec declared George Town a World Heritage Site on 7th July 2008. Listings here presented in pictures,videos and 360° VR (Virtual Tour And Virtual Reality) , Start to hunt your heritage properties from here now.
乔治市于2008年7月7日被联合国教科文组织世界遗产委员会在魁北克举行的会议宣布为世界遗产之一。槟城乔治市的遗产价值就从此稳步增长。 许多人包括投资者和外国人也开始蜂拥而至,并一直在寻找机会购买来释放战前屋应有的价值。修复后,这些遗产古屋也各以独特的形式表现出来。 应此,拥有这些遗产古屋的业主是多么的骄傲。你也可以是一个自豪的所有者,在这里开始寻找您的吧
China Street Heritage Core Zone 2 adjoining heritage shophouses for sale and for rent. RM1.2Mil for both while rental is RM4000 both. Size is about 1400sf plus 900sf total 2500sf. Previously was coffee shop, very near to Banking area and Penang famous Heritage Chinese Temple.
Property sold. 31/12/09
(Above) Look along China Street and the heritage chinese temple.
At the most strategic spot of Upper Penang Road, 30,000sf 2 storey shop for sale at RM10.5Mil @ RM350 per square foot. Very bad shaped. Freehold. Suitable for retail, night club, restaurant and etc.
A role of 4 units badly burnt 3 storey heritage shophouses on Campbell Street for sale at RM4.3Mil (1/9/10). Basically you only buy the face and land only, total land size is about 60' x 196'. Very close to Penang Road. Property sold.